Dee Dee Rutherford (2005) ....
Christopher Rutherford
Gentleman's Game, A (2001) ....
Timmy Price
Rising Place, The (2001) ....
Franklin Pou (Age 12)
"Kate Brasher" (2001) TV Series ....
Elvis Brasher
Anya's Bell (1999) (TV) ....
Scott Rhymes
Arlington Road (1999) ....
Brady Lang
Rushmore (1998) ....
Dirk Calloway
Gattaca (1997) ....
Younger Vincent
Just in Time (1996) ....
Bad Moon (1996) ....
Spy Hard (1996) ....
Dennis the Menace (1993) ....
Dennis Mitchell
... aka Dennis (1993) (UK)
Groundhog Day (1993) (uncredited)

"ER" (1994)
playing "Robert Potter"in episode:
"The Long Way Around"
(episode # 3.15)
13 February 1997
"Early Edition" (1996)
playing "Bryce Porter" in episode:
"Gun" (episode # 1.8)
16 November 1996
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